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Image Casa da Fazenda Leolinda
Gaturamo bird

The soul of Chocolate is cocoa and through the Q Collection you will go on a tasting journey with learning steps about this tropical fruit. The path of discovering the flavors of cocoa begins with an invitation to Fazenda Leolinda, illustrated on the Q50 chocolate bars. Produced with just 4 ingredients: fine cocoa specially selected by the Aquim Family, lightly roasted and added with 13% cocoa butter and 37% sugar. With a total of 63% cocoa, this is the first step on the Q path of cocoa discovery.

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After arriving at Fazenda Leolinda , we invite you to enter the cocoa forest and experience what we call: the moment of wonder . Among the cocoa trees and the centuries-old trees of this forest, we are dazzled by the colorful path of bromeliads that, from branch to branch, guide our gaze to the sky. Therefore, the second stage of this tasting journey is illustrated by birds. The three bars, Q55, Q60 and Q65 , take us little by little to better understand the flavors of cocoa. Made only with fine cocoa selected by the Aquim family, sugar and cocoa butter,

each one has respectively 74%, 76% and 78% cocoa.

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No meio da Floresta de Cacau


Passado o deslumbramento inicial, você já está pronto para conhecer os sabores mais intensos do cacau e juntos vamos percorrer a mata mais fechada. Vamos deixar para trás a doçura do açúcar e vamos em busca das notas mais puras do cacau. Em territórios desconhecidos somos compelidos a olhar atentamente cada passo, cada pedaço de chão percorrido. Por isso, as três embalagens seguintes, chocolates Q75, Q80 e Q85 são ilustradas com os animais terrestres da floresta tropical, e nos guiam pelos sabores intensos do cacauFeitas somente com cacau fino selecionado pela família Aquim, açúcar e manteiga de cacau, cada uma tem respectivamente 81%, 83% e 85% de percentual total de cacau

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At the end of this trip, perhaps you too will fall in love with the flavors and colors of cocoa. Just like us, you'll want to stay in the forest until dusk. The time has come to look at the sky again and, now, be grateful for the discoveries of this tropical fruit. Illustrated with the colors of the sunset and the beautiful Guaxe bird, our latest bar is made only from cocoa and cocoa butter, with 100% cocoa. Close your eyes and enjoy Q95, our purest chocolate .

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | ©2020 by Chocolate Q. All rights reserved.

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