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Cocoa is the soul of chocolate.


To sai this is to open up a wide range of possibilites for appreciating the purity of the product, to different degrees. This is precisely the purpose of the Q Collection: to reveal the soul of chocolate through a tasting journal, presenting different standards of excellence in a refined range of flavors. 

There are eight Lines of chocolate bars with percentagens of cocoa liquor that bring soft and intense nuances of this tropical fruit: Q50 – Barra Fazenda; Q55 – Gaturamo Verdadeiro; Q60 - Cuiuba; Q 65 - Tucano Verdadeiro; Q75 - Macaco Jupará; Q80 – Porco Espinho Luís-Caixeiro; Q85 – Tatu Verdadeiro; e Q95 – Guaxe.

In this context, from the moment a person sees the packaging of the chocolate bar illustrated with wild animals from our fauna until the moment they taste it, the feeling they have is that of being in a Forest rich in chapes, aromas and flavors. 

Noticing the gradation of purity of these bars is an aesthetic and gastronomic experience at the same time. 

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | ©2020 by Chocolate Q. All rights reserved.

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